The Right Prescription

In a conversation the other night, someone shared how, being raised a Catholic, their impression of God was that He was really angry and was getting madder by the minute. As a young person, their response to this was to just think, “Well, if He’s already that mad, I might as well do whatever I want. I might as well sin more, because it’s already hopeless. I can never please Him.”  Continue reading “The Right Prescription”

Even If An Angel From Heaven…

Message from 1 Kings 13

Jeroboam was in sin because he didn’t trust God, but led his people into idolatry, using religion as a means of unifying people under his rule.

God sent an unnamed prophet to rebuke him. This prophet gave an amazing prophecy, saying that the altar of false worship would be used to burn the bones of false prophets who worshipped there, and that this would be done by King Josiah, a king who hadn’t even been born yet, and wouldn’t come on the scene for another 290 some years! He also gave a sign from God as proof of the accuracy of his prophecy, saying the altar would be split apart and the ashes poured out. What happened next is truly amazing!

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