Mary’s Example

When you’re a preacher, you usually get more out of your message than the folks, because you think about it longer and delve into things more deeply. It’s one of the blessings of being a preacher. Last Sunday, I talked about the virgin conception of Christ. Since then, one aspect of that message has been going over and over in my mind. I thought I’d share it with you. Continue reading “Mary’s Example”

Isaiah’s Job

Today while listening to a speech by Tom Woods, he mentioned how Ron Paul believed in speaking to “the remnant,” which was a reference to the words of the prophet Isaiah (the apostle Paul spoke of it too.) Woods referred to  an essay by a man named Albert J. Nock, entitled “Isaiah’s Job” which Ron Paul apparently mentioned. I found it on YouTube here:

It really spoke to me as something very pertinent for our day. So I recommend it to you. But in case you don’t want to listen to the whole thing, I’ve typed up my paraphrase of the part that most got my attention here below. I think if you read it, you’ll see the point it made to me… Continue reading “Isaiah’s Job”

Keep on Walking

I love thoughts and insights I get as I read through the Bible each morning, even though I’m in pain and feeling ever so miserable.

Today I read 1 Sam. 23 and saw some interesting things that definitely apply to me. David was on the run from Saul, yet when the Philistines attacked a place called Keilah, he asked God if he and his men should go down there and save the Israelite town. God said yes. We don’t know how that happened. Was it through the Urim and Thummim? An inner impression? Did the priest’s son, who was with David, tell him God said yes? Wish we knew, but we don’t. We just know God said go. Continue reading “Keep on Walking”

They Speak With Other Tongues

Years ago, the People of Destiny (now called Sovereign Grace) movement published a comical article in their movement’s magazine. I no longer know the date or author, but I typed it up way back then, and wanted to publish it here, because it fits in a weekly project for one of my current courses, but also because I just think it’s so important for Christians to be reminded of how we can sometimes speak what I call “Christianese,” a language of Christian “insiders” which is really confusing to those not yet part of the “family.” Hope you get a laugh out of this old piece.  Continue reading “They Speak With Other Tongues”

Robbing God of His Glory

So the NatGeo channel has been doing this series called "One Strange Rock," hosted by Will Smith. It's all about the marvels of the earth. Wonderful video, interesting facts, lots of fascinating views from space, but of course, being mostly secularists, never a word of praise to the Creator of it all! Everything is just one huge accident. It saddens me.

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God is unjust?!

So I was listening to Dr. Frank Turek’s podcast the other day, and he mentioned how so many atheists and skeptics complain about how God ordered the execution of every man, woman, and child in Canaan when the Israelites moved in to take their Promised Land. Frank gave a good explanation, and mentioned a book I’ve often recommended by Dr. Paul Copan titled, “Is God a Moral Monster?” He also mentioned another professor he’d had on his show before, a Dr. Clay Jones, who has a different view than Copan. So when I got home, I looked up Clay Jones and found a video teaching of his on YouTube, in which he gave his explanation why it wasn’t immoral of God to bring judgment on the Canaanites.

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The Beautiful Garments of Salvation

Ps. 149:4 For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation. NKJV

Is. 61:10 I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. (NIV)

This morning during praise and worship at the church we’ve been attending, the verse above came to my mind and spirit. With it came a flood of thoughts that really blessed me, so I’d like to try and share them with you.

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The Worship of Faith

This week was full. I had to type papers for both my classes, one on the Reformation, the other on the Trinity. Plus I had all my Hebrew studies, which really smoke my brain! But it all blends together in my mind and heart and often God speaks or ministers to me through all of it together, plus church on Sunday. Gotta put some thoughts down to share with anyone who cares to read 'em, or maybe just so I make sure I process and remember myself. I really read some great things this week about the Reformation...

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