So a friend posted a link today on Facebook, telling how pastor Bill Hybels of Willow Creek church in Barrington, Illinois has raised up a replacement for himself when he retires in 2018. He has a teaching pastor to do the preaching and teaching, and an executive pastor, who presumably, will handle admin duties and may preach and teach too, I’m not sure. Well, there seems to be all sorts of protest over his allowing a woman to take his place as a pastor. First of all, I would point out that we don’t know the details. What if this woman is strictly doing admin duties? Is that a problem? But on the other hand, what if she preaches and teaches. What about that? Doesn’t the Bible say women can’t be pastors? I’m pretty amazed at all the responses this friend is getting. People are saying Paul was in error, we should listen to Jesus and not Paul, people are saying well, that teaching that women can’t speak in church is just man’s interpretation, etc., etc. I think Christians need more education! I’d like to share a section of a teaching I did on 1 Corinthians 14, because it deals with this subject. Please continue reading to see my teaching notes, cut and pasted into this blog. Continue reading “Some thoughts on women in ministry”
Fake News
When Christians are the Minority
With all the craziness going on in our nation lately, I’ve been thinking of how we as Christians are now facing the problem of being out of favor, being looked down upon or scorned in our country, and that is liable to get worse. In a sense, we have been “in power” for most of America’s history. Everyone in the States used to at least recognize God or believe we should recognize and respect Him, respect ministers, believe the Bible is the “good book,” etc. But oh, how that is changing! Continue reading “When Christians are the Minority”
Facing Trials God’s Way
The Reformation of Islam?
Why God Became Man
Last week my writing project was to read Cur Deus Homo, Why God Became Man, by Anselm of Canterbury. This man was a trend-setting thinker of the early 12th century, affecting our theology until this present day. Though my short paper doesn’t give much detail about him, I thought I’d share it with those who might be interested. If you want to know more, you can find the whole little two-part book here. Christian Classics Ethereal Library: Also, be sure to email any questions or comments you might have by scrolling down. Why God Became Man
The Lord Makes a Distinction
Willful Blindness
So many stories in the Book of Acts read just like news stories today! Take the story of Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem (Acts 21), as an example. Paul felt a strong desire to go to Jerusalem (Acts 20:22). He was even in a hurry to get there before Pentecost (20:16). On the journey there, Christian people at several places urged him not to go to Jerusalem. For his part, Paul felt “compelled by the Spirit” to go (Acts 20:22), yet the believers in the city of Tyre urged him “by the Spirit,” not to go! (21:4b) When he reached Caesarea, God actually sent the prophet Agabus to warn him that he was going to be taken prisoner, bound, and turned over to the Gentiles (21:10, 11) All the believers who heard this pleaded with him not to go (21:12), but he would not be dissuaded. Should he have listened to them and to Agabus? Or was he right in believing the Spirit wanted him to go anyway?
Are Science and Theology Incompatible?
Last week, I had to write a blog for a Theology course I’m taking. Now that it’s been graded, I thought I’d share it with those of you who visit this website. It’s similar to something I wrote earlier, but has some additional thoughts. Continue reading “Are Science and Theology Incompatible?”
Put Yourself in Their Place
Today my daily Bible reading included the eighth chapter of the book of Acts. In verses 1-4, we read about something that happened after the stoning of Stephen that really struck me today, and I wanted to share it with you. Evangelist Ray Comfort has a book with a title that really fits here, so I wanted you to see the cover of his book. Continue reading “Put Yourself in Their Place”