The Reformation of Islam?

Many people on the news talk about how Islam needs to be reformed like Christianity, and we need to work with moderate Muslims to encourage them to do that. I hope you'll listen to my thoughts on this, and if you have any disagreements or comments you'd like to make, please scroll down and send them to me! I'd love to hear from you!


6 Replies to “The Reformation of Islam?”

  1. My comment is “Oye Vey”. In essence what you are predicting is an ultimate showdown between Islam and the rest of the world and you’re saying it’s ultimately unavoidable! The reason for the “Oye Vey” is two fold. Number 1…such a belief needs to be lightened just a bit by some comic relief. Number 2…that unfortunately I am in agreement with you. Oye Vey. I think any sane person would hope that this showdown would happen sometime in the future. A future far enough ahead in time so that we the reader of this won’t be personally involved. But Wait…TOO LATE. IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING.

    1. First of all, thanks for checking out the post. Secondly, yes, we’re already in this confrontation or clash of civilizations. But that wasn’t really my main point. I’m mostly saying that people who call for a reform of Islam don’t understand how the Christian Church was “reformed” and how much different the situation is between Christianity and Islam. A reform of Islam is what Wahhabiim ISIS is all about!

  2. No apology needed. I didn’t take it as an insult. I was just surprised that you thought i may have missed the point. And i guess i could have. But in this case i didn’t. Yeah use Craigslist. Harp on the point that it was a southwest desert bike its whole life with zero rust. Remember no PayPal. Cash only. Any check Will have to have plenty of time to clear your bank before bike and title are released. If you question the validity of what they text or send you forward it to me and let me look. FIRST THING ON THE LISTING PUT IN CAPS LIKE THIS..”IF THE LISTING IS UP THE BIKE IS AVAILABLE”. So if the first thing they ask is if it’s available there’s a 90% chance or more it’s a scam

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