Thoughts from Thomas Sowell

So often, politicians pick up on themes the public is clamoring about, and exploit them in order to promote themselves. They play to the ignorance of the masses (you and me), to get votes, but really, what they propose is often misguided. Thomas Sowell points out that we really shouldn’t be focused on good intentions or nice-sounding promises. Instead, we need to focus on results. What will really come of a proposed policy? Continue reading “Thoughts from Thomas Sowell”

Upcoming course on the Bible

Hi folks, 

Just to inform you, I’m in my final semester, Lord willing, of the M.Div. program. I have to do an internship, meant to give ministry experience to those who have been studying. Of course, I have over 35 years of ministry experience, but I still have to do this! To fulfill this requirement, I have decided to write a course to help unchurched people understand and get oriented to the Bible. In this update, I want to tell you about what I’m planning to do. Continue reading “Upcoming course on the Bible”

They Speak With Other Tongues

Years ago, the People of Destiny (now called Sovereign Grace) movement published a comical article in their movement’s magazine. I no longer know the date or author, but I typed it up way back then, and wanted to publish it here, because it fits in a weekly project for one of my current courses, but also because I just think it’s so important for Christians to be reminded of how we can sometimes speak what I call “Christianese,” a language of Christian “insiders” which is really confusing to those not yet part of the “family.” Hope you get a laugh out of this old piece.  Continue reading “They Speak With Other Tongues”


So, as most of you know, I watch a lot of debates and discussions on YouTube. Today I watched an older one of Sam Harris, one the so-called “four horsemen of the apocalypse” who are also called the new atheists. I like a lot of what Sam says, because to me, he’s usually fairly reasonable. However, on the clip I watched today, Don Lemon of CNN had him on in opposition to a man named Dean Obeidallah from the Daily Beast, a Muslim apologist. Dean called Sam a bigot. Sam rebuked him, basically saying what he says about Islam is fact-based, and we should just discuss facts, not attack people. Then Sam went on to say that Dr. Ben Carson is a bigot, because he said Islam isn’t compatible with American values. He also said Carson proved you can be a doctor, a surgeon, and not a scientist, because Carson doesn’t believe in evolution. So Carson, who wasn’t there to defend himself, was called a bigot and a non-scientist, because of his opinion on something, but Harris was offended that Obeidallah called him a bigot for his opinions on Islam. Continue reading “Bigotry?”

Update – Spring into Summer

Spring Into Summer

Hello friends, 

My Spring semester has just ended, so as I get a one-week break before the Summer session starts, I think it’s time for another update. As I am nearing completion of my M.Div degree program, I am taking more courses at a time, so the work load has been pretty heavy at times. According to the online site that charts my progress, I am now 86% of the way through, and have kept an all A grade average, with the exception of one B+. Oh well, I never did preach Christian perfectionism!  Continue reading “Update – Spring into Summer”

Robbing God of His Glory

So the NatGeo channel has been doing this series called "One Strange Rock," hosted by Will Smith. It's all about the marvels of the earth. Wonderful video, interesting facts, lots of fascinating views from space, but of course, being mostly secularists, never a word of praise to the Creator of it all! Everything is just one huge accident. It saddens me.

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God is unjust?!

So I was listening to Dr. Frank Turek’s podcast the other day, and he mentioned how so many atheists and skeptics complain about how God ordered the execution of every man, woman, and child in Canaan when the Israelites moved in to take their Promised Land. Frank gave a good explanation, and mentioned a book I’ve often recommended by Dr. Paul Copan titled, “Is God a Moral Monster?” He also mentioned another professor he’d had on his show before, a Dr. Clay Jones, who has a different view than Copan. So when I got home, I looked up Clay Jones and found a video teaching of his on YouTube, in which he gave his explanation why it wasn’t immoral of God to bring judgment on the Canaanites.

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