The story of how the Gospel began to spread beyond a purely Jewish to a more mixed context in Samaria, then to Ethiopia, as Christ’s servants were led by His Spirit.
An Introduction to Apologetics
Christians are commanded to love God with their whole heart, soul MIND and strength, and to be ready always to present a reason for the hope they have. This series will help us get ready to do that.
Acts 8
The amazing story of “the Samaritan Pentecost” as the Gospel began to spread from a purely Jewish context into the mixed society of other cultures.
Revelation Wrap-Up
This is the final look at the book of Revelation and the final session of our Survey of the New Testament.
Acts 7
A continuing study of the Book of Acts, perhaps the most exciting book in the whole Bible!
Revelation, Part 1
In our next two sessions, we will get an overview of the Book of Revelation, one of the most fascinating, but enigmatic books in the whole Bible.
Acts 6
Acts chapter 6 is a short chapter but significant because it touches on several important themes for Christians; leadership, delegation, gifts, social service, and spiritual warfare.
New Testament Survey: The General Epistles
There are eight epistles not written by Paul and not written to a specific audience, which, for that reason, are called either the general or catholic epistles. This video gives an overview of those epistles.
Acts 5
The 5th chapter of Acts brings out the first real sin in the early church and also tells about the increasing persecution of the early believers.
New Testament Survey 5: The Pauline Epistles
In this video, pastor Warren gives background and explanation about a major section of the New Testament, the epistles written by St. Paul.