What lies we’re being told!

I have finished Dinesh D’Souza’s book, The Big Lie, and I highly recommend it. It’s about how our American society is being fed an outrageous lie, and it’s being done so boldly, that many accept it without question. The lie is that those on the Right are fascists, Donald Trump is a fascist, the GOP is fascist, and we all need to be resisted “by any means necessary” in order to save the country. The Left really wants to thwart the desires of the public and undo a legitimate election, and they’re using academia, the press, and Hollywood to try and bring it about. Some of the things D’Souza shares in this book I found hard to accept, but gradually, as I read his arguments and saw the evidence, I was convinced. I really think we all need to read what he has to say. If you’re like me, you won’t believe it can be true, but sadly, it is!


Fake News

Today I was reading Acts 24 in my daily reading through the Bible, and came upon verse 5, where a lawyer hired to help the non-Messianic Jews get rid of Paul, the Messianic Jew, who had a different worldview than they. This lawyer, Tertullus, said that the Jews had found Paul to be a “troublemaker” who had stirred up riots all over the Mediterranean world. That really got my attention, because it was totally fake news! It was absolutely false, but shows how things get distorted and turned around in this world.

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