So, as most of you know, I watch a lot of debates and discussions on YouTube. Today I watched an older one of Sam Harris, one the so-called “four horsemen of the apocalypse” who are also called the new atheists. I like a lot of what Sam says, because to me, he’s usually fairly reasonable. However, on the clip I watched today, Don Lemon of CNN had him on in opposition to a man named Dean Obeidallah from the Daily Beast, a Muslim apologist. Dean called Sam a bigot. Sam rebuked him, basically saying what he says about Islam is fact-based, and we should just discuss facts, not attack people. Then Sam went on to say that Dr. Ben Carson is a bigot, because he said Islam isn’t compatible with American values. He also said Carson proved you can be a doctor, a surgeon, and not a scientist, because Carson doesn’t believe in evolution. So Carson, who wasn’t there to defend himself, was called a bigot and a non-scientist, because of his opinion on something, but Harris was offended that Obeidallah called him a bigot for his opinions on Islam. Continue reading “Bigotry?”