Well, Lynn and I got back from our time in Germany last night, really exhausted. We were so glad to be with Allison, German, and the two little boys, but we’re also very glad to be home. Today I’ll get back into my assignments for the master’s degree. See some things I wanted to share with you below…
Those who know me know that I’m always reading. Well, I want to recommend some really good books to you. First, Money, Greed, and God, by Dr. Jay Richards. It’s a great book on capitalism vs. socialism, and really addresses so many issues that modern Americans (especially young people) are very misinformed and misguided on. It even deals with climate change, and it’s written in a very user-friendly manner.
Secondly, over the last couple of months I’ve been reading books by Dr. Hugh Ross, a Christian astrophysicist. I’ve read Why the Universe is the Way it Is, More Than a Theory, and Improbable Planet. Dr. Ross believes the six days of creation were six ages. Some of you may not like the sound of that, but he really makes the case very well. He has a website called Reasons to Believe, which I highly recommend. What’s so interesting is that after reading these books, I watched a secular documentary on the flight home which basically said a whole lot of what he says, yet without giving any credit to God. It was quite interesting. I think the man’s scientific views are respected and respectable, and give Christians a lot to think about and some good ammunition for discussion with the world. Now these books are not as user-friendly as Jay Richard’s book, so they’re not for the faint at heart! But if you can handle technical stuff, I recommend them. Otherwise, stay tuned – I hope to give some video reviews and summaries of all of these books soon.