The last few days, I’ve been finishing up another of Dr. Hugh Ross’s books on how science and faith fit together so well. Reading of these books has given me a greater appreciation for the astonishing complexity, vastness, and practical infinity of the physical universe. The more you study any aspect of nature or creation, whether it be the galaxies of stars or the intricacies of the human body and DNA, or the tectonic plates on which the continents float, or the amazing things that go on in the earth’s core, the more you study and ponder these things, the more you realize how powerful, wise, and brilliant God is.
Greater meditation upon God’s first book, creation, produces for the believer a greater sense of awe of the Creator and appreciation for what He has made. It’s just fantastic, but we often take it for granted and don’t realize how amazing our God is. Studying nature has to increase your faith, if you approach it the right way!

Now I’m also in seminary, so I’m studying in greater depth the second book of God, the Bible. The same thing happens as I do that. The deeper you go in scripture, the more you meditate upon it, study it, learn of the background, the history, the languages, the original meanings, the prophecies, etc., etc., the more you appreciate the God who inspired it.
You see how He has been at work for millennia and has orchestrated events and peoples and prophets and kings to bring about our salvation. He has worked in the past, is at work in the present, and will bring to consummation and completion in the future His plans and purposes.
It is all just so amazing, and I must praise His name forever for what I am seeing in His amazing book, the Bible!
Now this doesn’t happen for the unbeliever or the dull of heart. If you don’t believe or you don’t want to see, (or, if you aren’t willing to spend the time) these things are hidden for you. It’s all just an accident, just a coincidence, it’s no big deal.
But for those who fear and love the Lord, there is great cause for rejoicing and for praise, and great reason to want to go deeper and to do our best to stay in tune with this great God who has created and redeemed us. I so appreciate the study God is allowing me to do these days! I know we don’t all have as much time to devote to such pursuits, so I’m thankful for this time in my life.
At the same time, I want to encourage all of you to make time for Bible reading and study, and for meditation and pondering. Go online and read a commentary about the section of scripture you’re reading. The deeper you go and the more understanding you get, the more you’ll appreciate what God has given and has done. Your faith will increase, and you’ll find yourself loving God more and more!