So I was watching the news as I do every day, and I hear that mobs are protesting the president’s crack-down on immigrants. The media told them that troops (presumably the National Guard) are going to be making “sweeps” through neighborhoods to arrest illegals. So people are protesting in the streets, saying the usual stuff, “This isn’t America! No human being is illegal!” (The usual unbelievably ridiculous nonsense!)
I can’t believe how they think. No human being is illegal? So if I go into my neighbor’s house and raid his refrigerator, I’ve done nothing wrong, because I’m a human being?! How do you figure? (I guess they don’t figure?)
I saw a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker yesterday. It said “A job should keep workers out of poverty, not keep them in it.” Again I thought, really? So wages must be determined by workers’ needs, not market value? If I flip burgers, I have to be paid the same as someone who has a marketable skill? Who’s going to make this work? Are socialists going to take money from some and give it to others? Is that their idea of a more just society? How do they know what an employer can pay for a job, or how much they should pay? Shouldn’t the market decide that? Boy, I think we need to teach critical thinking skills in our schools! Oh, but I forgot – we can’t do that. It might be considered “micro-aggression” against some poor left-leaning student who doesn’t want to hear it. But oh, I digress…
I was talking about the media. So they spread the message about Trump’s “crack-down” on immigrants and show a document which supposedly says this is going to be his official policy. Then I hear that the document was something discussed at lower levels, and was never seriously considered. And Obama arrested far more illegals and deported more of them, over 2,000 a year, while this latest “sweep” only netted some 800, and by the way, the sweep was organized under Obama’s administration! So it turns out that the media reports which stirred up these leftist lunatics were completely false! And they wonder why many of us don’t believe them anymore?
I hear these same people tell us that climate change is the biggest threat we face as a country, and all the scientists agree on that, over 98% of them. Then I watch all sorts of scientists testifying before Congress or on TV, or I read all sorts of articles, saying things like the following: science has never been about “consensus,” who are the 98%? (no one can tell you) the data are very difficult to read or interpret, scandals have been uncovered where scientists conspired to portray climate change our biggest problem, subsidies are available for those who agree with climate change, but not to dissenters, the temperatures have actually not gone up for the last 15 years, while glaciers are melting at the North Pole, they’re building up at the South, in 1900, there was no ice in the Arctic, CO2 is not a poison or a pollutant at all, there’s not necessarily any correlation between CO2 levels and warming, in the earth’s past CO2 levels were way higher than they are now and it was good for the planet, US submariners regularly live in 8,000 ppm of CO2 and it doesn’t hurt them at all, yet these people are hysterical that we’ve gotten to 400 ppm, and I once again discover that the media mantra is totally false, yet they wonder why we don’t listen to them anymore?!
The left says we “don’t believe in science,” yet the so-called science they tout is often absolute bunk! One of the founders of Greenpeace left the organization because he realized they’d gone off the rails, and now he goes around doing presentations that show how climate change is just a lie. Check it out at PragerU.
A week or so ago, I see this radical leftist Asian woman who organized the Berkeley riots. Have you seen her? Her organization is BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), and she believes that everyone needs to rise up and protest Trump and stop his agenda “by any means necessary.” He’s a monster, a misogynist, racist, who wants to launch genocide (I’m not making this up!) She protested Milo Yiannapoulos’ presentation at Berkely, because in her words, “he’s a fascist, homophobe, misogynist, racist,” blah, blah, blah.
First of all, I don’t support Milo at all. He’s very smart, but he’s perverted. In my view, you can’t be a true conservative and be homosexual, it’s rather an oxymoron. But that’s another subject. This woman called him a homophobe, though he’s a homosexual!! She called him a fascist, but if you look up the word, you’ll find fascism is a socialistic form of government or a person who uses violence and coercion to get their way politically. These people called Milo a fascist!!?? They used fascist tactics to shut him down?!! They were the ones against free speech!!??
It reminds me of the book, 1984 by George Orwell, where “The Ministry of Truth” always spread lies! It seems we’re dealing with people who would call day, night, and night, day!! A radical fascist lunatic, calling a so-called conservative a fascist. Holding signs that say “Love Trumps Hate,” while burning and smashing windows, and actually attacking anyone from the other side physically! That’s the pot calling the kettle black if I ever heard of such a thing!
You know, if a prison or a school, or any organization was run in a totally loose and permissive way for decades, you would have all sorts of corruption entrenched in that organization. If suddenly you brought in new leadership and they began to crack down on the ineptitude and corruption, there would be riots and terrible upheaval. That is exactly what we’re having in our country today. Trump is trying to tear down the slums and clean out the sewers and the sewer rats who’ve lived there for decades are suddenly very offended! What a surprise!!
If a new teacher came into a classroom that had been run in a totally permissive way, and tried to bring order, she would be seen as a monstrous dictator! When police are called to a scene of chaos and looting, where crimes are being committed, people are being hurt, and property damaged, and these police start cracking down, man – they are monsters! Cries of “Police brutality” ring out everywhere. But who is really brutal? Who is really dangerous? The rioters! The people engaging in illegal activities! Yet they scream about brutality and claim they’re being oppressed and mistreated?!
That is what’s happening in our streets today. The madness and upheaval of a bunch of people who have lived off a permissive system for so long that they believe everything is owed to them. A large percentage of people who do not know how to think critically, who do not know how the real world works. Seriously. Think about it. They think that if you’re a human being, you have a right to “whatever.” Everyone should be allowed into our country, because “that’s who we are.”
Really? We’re a bunch of stupid people with no borders and no laws? That’s who we are? It’s not who I am, I’ll tell you! Businesses should pay more to their workers than is sensible, because everyone “deserves” a decent wage? Everyone deserves free health care, a house, free education, maybe even government-supplied marijuana? (I actually heard this in a man-on-the-street interview!) Where in the world did they get these ideas? From the marijuana they’re smoking in those now-legal pot-shops?! From my perspective, all of us deserve Hell, but Christ died to save us from what we “deserve,” if we’ll submit to Him. As for our “rights,” we have a “right” to get to work and do the best we can for ourselves! Nobody else owes us anything!
Anyone who doesn’t believe all this, the climate change lies, the political lies, the economic lies, the smears, the distortions, and all the rest, is a fascist, racist, misogynist, homophobe, Islamophobe, bigot, backward, anti-science, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. The media and the left (one and the same for the most part) thinks they know better than the rest of us. They think we should believe their lies, and they wonder why we don’t anymore. Frankly, I don’t trust any of them! I consider basically everything they report to be false unless and until proven true.
Let’s face it, what the media or the masses say is almost never true. The “majority” wanted to stone Moses. They killed Jesus. The majority doesn’t believe the Bible is God’s Word. Jesus said the way was broad that leads to destruction, and the majority is going that way. If you want to know the truth, the Gospel is the only message we can completely trust, and the Savior of which it speaks. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I’m with Him!