Wow folks, I guess I haven’t posted anything in a while, and I need to! We’re going through some testing, and could use your prayers.
First, our daughter Allison, serving in the army in Germany, was involved in a terrible crash on the Autobahn. She was hit from behind, spun all over the road, and her (government) car totally destroyed. We cried as we heard of this, and learned that she had survived. She is suffering from a concussion, however, with blurry vision and headaches. Lynn and I will be flying to Germany (Allison is paying), in a few weeks. But she needs your prayers.
Then Lynn has been having dental problems. This week she had to have a lot of work done which she described as torture, and it hit us for $2500. She’s still suffering from that, and there is still some more work to do.
She drove about 2 hours from our home to have the dental work, because we used to go to that dentist when we lived here before. Well, our car has been overheating, and it got hot on the trip over. I told her to take it to a mechanic we used to take our car to. The man called to tell me the car is totally ruined! It’s not because we drove it when hot. We were careful to keep water and antifreeze in it and Lynn always pulled over when it overheated. But it turns out there is a defect in this Toyota motor having to do with the bolts that hold the head on. We got a second opinion, and it’s confirmed – our car is totally out of commission!
Yesterday, I had to stop my school work and ride over two hours to where Lynn was and bring her home on the Yamaha. We left our car at our daughter Sarah’s house. As we rode home it was kind of cold, and hard on our older bodies, but we made it safe and sound, thank God. We won’t be heading out for any cross-country motorcycle rides anytime soon though!
On top of everything, we have no jobs as yet. Lynn’s been looking. I applied for that chaplain’s job when we first got here, but wasn’t chosen. To be honest, I’ve been working full-time on my master’s degree, and don’t know if I could even handle a job right now. Maybe part-time, but that’s all, and we haven’t found any part-time work either.
So finances are running low. We know God is in control, and He is our Provider. He’s never let us down. But we do need your prayers for His wisdom, to know how we should proceed.
I have to thank God for these trials. The Bible says to count it all joy. These tests will build our faith and our testimonies. Besides, they could’ve been much worse. Allison could’ve been taken from us. So many in the world have faced much worse things than we are facing. I know God will get us through this time and we’ll praise Him for everything. But I wanted to let you all know what’s going on, so you could pray. We need your intercession!
That’s all for now.
Blessings to all of you,
PS – I’ve got a lot of teachings/meditations building up that I want to share with you. I know how to do it on video, but still can’t figure out the podcast aspect. There are a few technical details I still haven’t mastered. Once I do figure those out, stay tuned, because I’ll be sharing some things with you.
I’m so sorry to hear about her accident and your difficulties. I will be praying for Allison and for you and Lynn.
Pastor , cuanto lo sentimos de oir lo de Allison,y lo de su situación económica. Todos los días esta en nuestra oraciones, por su economía. Sabemos que en este mundo tenemos tribulaciones, pero confiamos en Jesucristo que ha vencido al mundo.
Pastor los amamos y ahora se porque ha estado mas fuerte em nuestros corazones. Romanos12:12
Your in our prayers !! We love you both very much and please keep us up dated
I am so sorry to hear the trials you and Lynn are going thru. Father in Jesus name you are Jehovah Jirah the God that provides for our needs and we come before you boldly asking you to reveal to Lynn and Warren what they need to see, provide for them financially your word says that you will provide for all our needs, not some but all, give them favor and provision with employers. Lord, heal lynn’s teeth and let someone come and pay for what is left and what she needs for her teeth. Father, heal Allison, we thank you that you allowed her to stay here with the family, friends, unit and to be your testimony of grace. Even when the enemy tries to take your children out you promise to take the bad and make it good. For your word stated surely she shall not die but declare your works Lord. Lord provide Warren and Lynn with a new car that they will not have to pay for, pay their bills, provide for food, provide for the smallest to the greatest need for you oh Lord are Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Rafa, You are the provider, healer, and banner in times of trouble, for we plead the blood of Jesus over Lynn, Allison, Warren, finances, car, Lord we thank you for moving swiftly and quickly on their behalf for your mercy is great, your provision’s and favor reach far and go deep. Lord we thank you Warren is able to finish his Master’s degree in Jesus amen