A Prophet Like Moses

In Deut. 18:18, Moses told God’s people Israel that their Lord was going to raise up a Prophet like Moses in some future time, and anyone who wouldn’t listen to that prophet was to be cut off from God’s people. This is such an important prophecy! Think of who Moses was and what his function was. God revealed Himself to him from a burning bush and commissioned him to go to Egypt and deliver God’s people from slavery there and bring them to Mt. Sinai, where they would worship Adonai and become His people. Then God would use Moses to lead the people into the Promised Land, which represents all God had promised and prepared for His people. Continue reading “A Prophet Like Moses”

Parallels: Language and Christian Discipleship

For years, I’ve been both a student of languages (English, Spanish, Greek, Hebrew, Russian) and a teacher of English and Spanish. I’ve also been both a learner and a teacher of Christian truth. I’ve been both a disciple myself and a person responsible to disciple others. Recently, it occurred to me how much these two parallel each other. I thought I’d write some thoughts about it. 

Lessons Learned from Language


Great quote and insight from “The Last Superstition” by Ed Freser

The book I’m reading by Ed Feser, The Last Superstition, attacks secularists for having abandoned the brilliant philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, who, through reason, arrived at some pretty solid and basic truths, such as the fact God must exist, He can only be One, He created all there is and also maintains it, and there are absolute truths we can know because He made us. It’s great because I believe God’s Word teaches these things. But hey, if some famous philosophers did too, and you can prove God’s truth with their reasoning, I’m all in! Continue reading “Great quote and insight from “The Last Superstition” by Ed Freser”

The Importance of Philosophy

There is so much confusion today about philosophy! Many Christians think it’s to be avoided. Many atheists and skeptics don’t even realize how their own philosophical assumptions influence their thinking. Our society in general has accepted so many such assumptions, without realizing they are assumptions! They think they’re just “common sense” that “everybody knows.” It’s a huge “blind-spot.” That’s why I’m posting this document I wrote on the subject. The Importance of Philosophy