After being saved out of a background of drugs and alcohol – the usual vain pursuits of our generation – I grew in faith and gained experience in the Christian life in local churches until I eventually found my way to Southeastern University, where I got a four year degree in biblical studies. Along the way, I went through training at Youth With a Mission, and served in 3 other para-church organizations. I was always connected with a local church and served in various capacities in those churches.
Over the years, I was involved in many forms of evangelism: street meetings and preaching, tract distribution, bar evangelism, jails, prisons, juvenile detention centers, even Disney World hotels. You name it, I probably tried it! Through my years of evangelism, I was made to see the need for constant study of how to present and defend the faith, which is otherwise known as apologetics, and I’ve applied myself to that study for many years.
I have traveled to many countries in ministry, beginning with Latin America, but eventually broadening out to Asian and European countries, with many trips to Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, a trip to Cambodia, and visits to Lebanon, Turkey, and northern Iraq. I have always had a missions heart.

I led discipleship schools, and taught in missions schools and various Bible Institutes in the third world as well as in the States. I went to two language schools, and became fluent in Spanish, so I teach, preach, and write in that language as well as my mother tongue, English. I am also developing capability in Russian, a language I love, though I also struggle with it!
My first pastoral experience was leading a discipleship training school for Youth With A Mission and being responsible for the care and equipping of young people from 9 different countries. Later, I started a Spanish Bible Study in a local English-speaking church. That developed into a small congregation which I pastored for 4 1/2 years. Later, I pastored a small congregation of Latin Americans from many countries for about one year, meeting in another English-speaking church in Florida. Finally, I was called as senior pastor of an English-speaking congregation in El Paso, Texas known as Jesus Chapel. By the grace of God I was pastor there for a little over ten years. I’m sure I learned more during those years than I ever did in college, and developed a love for expository, verse-by-verse teaching through the Bible.

I resigned that pastorate to pursue a Masters of Divinity (M.Div.) degree online from Regent University in Virginia Beach, and we moved to Homosassa, Florida. I enjoyed seminary tremendously. I believe education must be an on-going process, and every Christian should be ever learning. We face great challenges and drastic changes in the world today, and we must make it our goal to always be ready to give an answer or defense for the hope that is within us. (1 Pet. 3:15)
My goal is that this website will help you with that calling!
Here you will find blogs, meditations, teachings, book reviews, and references to resources I find which I think will be helpful to you in your Christian walk. All of this will be presented in many forms: written, audio and visual. I hope you’ll connect with me here by signing up to receive updates from my site, and please feel free to contact me to ask questions, make a comment, or request prayer. You can do so by scrolling down to leave a comment, and checking the box to receive updates.

Upon graduation in December, 2018, I became involved at a church called Beverly Hills Community Church, located about 20 miles from my home. This church had gone through a scandal and lost its pastor suddenly. Though its services have always been quite traditional (like Methodist) and I am from contemporary and charismatic churches, God had me there for about a year and a half, and I enjoyed preaching, teaching, and serving this congregation. I was also asked to become the pastor of a small Spanish-speaking congregation right up the street in the same town. Since the Covid crisis, numbers have really been down, but I’m continuing to preach there every Sunday, and to teach a study on Tuesday nights. Most of the time I’m able to post those messages as audios or videos here at this site. Recently, a pastor in California used my series on evangelism for his Wednesday night services. I would very much like to expand that sort of outreach through videos, audio messages, Facebook Live or Zoom. If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact me! I include my resume here in the link below as well, should any churches or ministries have a need for a person of my experience and skill set.