For years, I’ve been both a student of languages (English, Spanish, Greek, Hebrew, Russian) and a teacher of English and Spanish. I’ve also been both a learner and a teacher of Christian truth. I’ve been both a disciple myself and a person responsible to disciple others. Recently, it occurred to me how much these two parallel each other. I thought I’d write some thoughts about it.
Thoughts on Education After Trump’s Victory
In all storm of reaction after Trump’s victory, the other side is having difficulty absorbing it and comprehending why it happened. Several stories I read and graphics I saw referred to the fact that “educated” people voted for Harris, but lamentably, the uneducated fell for Trump’s lies. I had to express some thoughts on these sorts of comments.
How Worldview Affects the Abortion Issue
America is Under Attack
This article was originally posted in the Heritage Foundation’s The Daily Signal, under the pseudonym Johnny Cochran. I wish I knew who the real author is, because I believe what whoever he/she has written and more. I truly believe we are every bit as much at war as we were during WWII, and the dangers are every bit as great as they were during those times. Please read and send me any comments you might have.
Update: 05/15/24
Hi folks. I just noticed it had been a long time since I wrote one of these updates (though of course, not so long since I’ve posted a video.) But I thought I’d put out another, just to let you know what we’re up to!
Better or Worse?
While waiting for my flight home in a Virginia airport I heard a father reading a book to his young son in another language. Intrigued, I walked up and asked the man where he was from and what his language was. He responded that he and his family were from India, and he was reading in Hindi. I interacted with them about India, mentioning some other languages I knew Indian people speak, some areas of the country, and that I have had some interactions with other Indians over the last year through my connection with the Third Education Revolution. Continue reading “Better or Worse?”
Active or Passive?
Recent discussion with various church attenders indicate that some are confused about what Christians should do in the world and in current society. Should we resist current trends and try to reverse them, or should we just “hunker down” and try to ride out the storm, knowing that biblical prophecy clearly shows we’re to expect the rise of Antichrist and that the world will go from bad to worse before the end comes? Continue reading “Active or Passive?”
Abortion Rights and Wrongs
My country’s reactions to the recent reversal of Roe v Wade have prompted me to write on the subject. I hope you’ll read them and respond.
I’m back!
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here. I’ve been busy going in many different directions. But lately, I’ve been feeling the need to get back to posting on the website and in Facebook. The following is my latest “essay.”
I wanted to respond to a Heritage Foundation article I read on the place of religion in conservatism. Continue reading “I’m back!”
Wisdom is the Main Thing!
The Bible says that we should seek wisdom more than anything else in life. It’s the principle or main thing, and if we find it, it will bring greater results in life than finding silver, gold, or precious jewels. What is wisdom from a biblical perspective?